Category: Machinery

This Coffee Art Printer Puts Baristas To Shame

Tourbillon: Testing of a new generation theme park ride

These Airport Pods Simulate the Weather At Your Destination

This Crazy Shape-Shifting PC Is the Gaming Rig Optimus Prime Would Use

The Magic Pizza Sauce Machine that Sauces Pizzas at Costco

This jet-powered go kart is basically a fire breathing monster on wheels

Big Marble Machine (1000 Marbles)

High-speed Steady Flight in Confined Spaces for Tethered Quadrocopters

Making a Cube in a Cube in a Cube from One Block of Metal is Impressive

Self running Tilting Tray – Perpetual Motion

Ninebot One, the Futuristic Self-Balancing, One-Wheeled Scooter

This Machine Will Eat Your Car

Watch How a Pack Planter Robot Transplant Pansies