Month: December 2015

The Top 5 Most Incredible Kid Inventions Of 2015

Can You Shatter a Diamond?

Engineers vs. Machinists – Miracle Spinning Tops

VertiGo – A Wall-Climbing Robot Including Ground-Wall Transition

Scubacraft SC3 is a Submersible Speedboat That Can Dive Nearly 100-Feet Underwater

The Futuristic BMW i Motorrad BetaIR is Better than the TRON Lightcycle

2 Australian men came up with a brilliant invention to help clean our oceans

7 Things you didn’t know existed Vol #12

Gibbs Biski is a Motorcycle on Land and a Jet Ski in Water

Aequorea is a 3D-Printed Underwater Skyscraper Village That Houses Up to 20,000 People

A plane that lands and takes off in small spaces

Canada has some pretty interesting bills

Say Goodbye to Unsafe Motorcycle Helmets, and Hello to the Rear-Access Vozz Helmet