The Treadmill Bike was just released in Japan for about $2000USD. “Have you ever wished you could get a quality treadmill workout without paying expensive gym prices? Look no further than the Treadmill Bike by the Bicycle Forest. The Treadmill Bike offers the same fat burning benefits of a conventional treadmill without the membership fees!” VIDEO->
This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen, it takes a retard to do a treadmill on wheels, it takes a total vegetable to buy it. Why would you buy that instead of simply go running, without that helmet, not having to check your ugly piece of **** and not be a potential danger to others… I hope whoever invented that will go bankrupt.
I agree.. that is completely stupid. The reason treadmills were invented was so you could run standing in place, inside of a building.. if I want to run outside, I run outside..
who the hell wants to ride a treadmill outside?
While they might actually be selling this product through the Canadian website, if you take the time to look around the site you will realize that there are many things that are no more than jokes. The Couch Bike is one example.
And many people like to make fun of the Japanese for things like this without really looking at the matter. The video here isn’t a commercial. It’s a comedy show. They’re laughing at this bike sold in Canada, which in my opinion is an entirely satirical product.
I think you guys missed the joke by taking it seriously.
Well when I look at what the japanese are laughing at, in general, I think misunderstanding is acceptable. It’s a funny idea, but not worth to make it true…