After the aluminum foil boat floating on sulphur hexafluoride gas. Turns out, if you inhale the gas, it gives you the opposite effect of inhaling helium. I wonder what would happen if you inhale both gases at the same time. VIDEO->
After the aluminum foil boat floating on sulphur hexafluoride gas. Turns out, if you inhale the gas, it gives you the opposite effect of inhaling helium. I wonder what would happen if you inhale both gases at the same time. VIDEO->
I love science and its surprises !
“I wonder what would happen if you inhale both gases at the same time.”
Try it. Now.
I wounder if that gas is harmful……..iv gots to get me that cool sexy Berry White voice the chicks would dig it……
lolz i think they would think your pretty weird with a voice like that… like as if you were on one of those speaking machines with those with speaking troubles lol…
As seen on Jay Leno tonight; Jay inhaled some sulphur hexafluoride gas and demonstrated it’s affect.
That’s Steve Spangler, he was my elementary school science teacher! Awesome guy, he always had really fun experiments and tricks
Both at the same time! I know my next Google search!
Any delinquent teenager will tell you this also works with propane. Except the propane will get you high and eat a hole in your brain.