Are You Left Or Right Brained? Illusion

Here is an interesting illusion that is pretty popular on the net. The animated image is a girl spinning, if at first look you see it spinning clockwise you are considered to be a right brained thinker. If you see it spinning counter-clockwise you would be a left brained individual. Each of the two have their own characteristics displayed below. However if you focus enough you will be able to see the girl spinning both ways. I saw it first spinning clockwise and I jumped from my chair when I stared at her enough and saw her all of a sudden spin the other way. Its as if the animation has a mind on its own. To help you see it spin the other way just look at her foot and it’s shadow. Try first to imagine the shadow spin the way you want it and hopefully you will see it spin both ways. UPDATE: New Post on Left or Right Brained.

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
“big picture” oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can “get it” (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking



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  1. fanton January 24, 2008
  2. omureadhaigh January 24, 2008
  3. C K January 24, 2008
  4. MistaPrimeMinista January 24, 2008
  5. crestind January 24, 2008
  6. MistaPrimeMinista January 24, 2008
  7. Me January 24, 2008
  8. cronomaxim February 4, 2008
  9. cronomaxim February 4, 2008
  10. Mini February 5, 2008
  11. MR.IZZY March 2, 2008
  12. Shakalaka May 11, 2008
  13. benjamin May 15, 2008
  14. jrkcat July 22, 2008
  15. pozi October 18, 2008
  16. jay November 6, 2008
  17. ts December 4, 2008
  18. Jasper January 15, 2009
  19. randy73 March 19, 2009
  20. Alex March 26, 2009
  21. Anonymous April 25, 2009
  22. Skulker August 28, 2009
  23. Slashbat September 19, 2009
  24. anon December 14, 2009
  25. Swed May 26, 2010
  26. JOHN333 May 29, 2010
  27. Ari Shinsky November 20, 2012
  28. Jim Thompson February 2, 2013
    • High T3ch February 2, 2013
  29. Nomad February 11, 2014
  30. Looks like a "Dave" April 17, 2014
  31. jay July 4, 2014