Here is an interesting analysis of the Dwarka City by the Ancient Aliens show which shows that the city might have been attacked long ago.
With the recent discovery of Dwarka the Legendary City of Bhagavan Sri Krishna as recorded in many ancient Vedic scriptures such as Mahabharata and Bhagavata Purana; archaeologists and historians have been forced to accept that the ancient Sanskrit Vedic Scriptures are factual histories of ancient India. However, rather than study these ancient texts they continue to persist in their erroneous speculations. Unfortunately they cannot enter into this vast ocean of knowledge due to their own gross ignorence, and unfortunately they will not listen to those who can. The Aryans who worship Lord Sri Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead were well acquainted with space travel, as there was constant universal coming and going between all the planets in our solar system and beyond. The mundane scientists cannot grasp the fact that there is Elemental existence; on this planet, as well as others, that is to say that intelligent lifeforms exists in subtle energy! There are subtle entities who’s bodies are composed of all the known elements, Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Ether, and more Subtle elements Mind, Intelligence, and False ego. The Vedas are full of narrations of such space travel and the nature of life on other planets. UFO does not necessarily mean of alien origin, but the fact that this and many other forms of advanced technology were prevelant on earth so long ago opens up a whole new line of research for all those who are interested in finding the truth. If ufologists really want to understand alien existence they would do well to study the ancient Vedas, in particular Srimad Bhagavatam, which was specifically compiled for the peoples of this age! The narration of the event described in this video can be studied by following this link.