There is a common belief which I even believe that says – if you go fast enough infront of a speed camera the second shot the camera takes your car will not be present for the picture. It would be too far away for the camera to take a picture since it is going so fast. This was tested by Top Gear and you might find the result pretty surprising. VIDEO->
Fuck you, pig cops
It doesn’t matter if the camera goes off, just as long as neither picture has close shot of the license plate…
I would have liked to try that, on Sepulveda Blvd in west Los Angeles, where I once got a ticket thx to a camera… all I need is a car like that…
This is a fake – I masterbated while watching this
I find it MORE suprising that you are making me watch a video instead of telling me the result.
Lame. Next time – TELL ME!
When will you dumb fucks understand that speed limits are for a reason? Friends of mine have died in trafic accidents which all involved higher speeds than mandated. I think I have very good idea what I am talking about. Your best friends cut in two halves by a tree is not something you want to experience. Grow up.
Was going 70 in a 35 and ran a red late at night. Flashes went off but I was going too fast for them to catch me on camera.
Sepulveda by Fox Hills Mall
It was for the sake of science, Ann. It wasn’t so that people could start doing this on the street.
Problem is… there are people stupid enough to do this… I mean alot of people…
If you can’t deal with people speeding, get the fuck out of the left lane on the highway. It’s for passing, not cruising.
Speed isn’t the main cause of unsafeness on the highway, it’s retards that impede the flow of traffic and won’t get out of the left lane.
Well I have had friends cross speed cameras in dubai at speeds higher than 300 km/h and surprise suprise no traffic fine.
Karl, too true – one hopes they kill themselves in the attempt of doing so – however one must also hope that they dont injure anyone else in the process of removing their faulty genes from the pool.
Speed limits are there for a reason, obay them.
Roads and lanes are only design 20 km faster than there design for. So if you are going way to fast. Your pretty dumb to do so. People dont even think about what will happen. I read a article about one woman who died because the racers colliated into her. Then they blamed her . The racer said” Well we were all ready slowing down to 90km/hr before we got to the turn.” Ya and then after the turn one guy hit her car and the other took off. Then the other people watching didn’t say who took off to the cops. Stupid assholes. the pointt is that they were ging way too fast. she didnt see anything when she pull on to the street then she died. It was a 60 km zone. stupid assholes
true dat JM
Don’t believe what you have been force fed your entire lives. Speed limits exist to fund police forces and the insurance companies join in for a piece also. Consider that NY brings in about 350 million annually from traffic violations, LA brings in 150 million, etc. FHA studies have proven that the safest speed to be driving is 10-15 MPH over the speed limit. It all comes back to flow of traffic the speeds that people drive at and accidents make a perfect bell curve. If the speed limit is 65 mph the safest speed to be driving at is up to 20 mph over the speed limit. Anything more or less is where the risk of an accident becomes more likely. If it is 75 than 30 mph over the speed limit is now the safest. Excessive speed accidents make up the smallest percentage of accidents annually. The most accidents are actually caused by people driving to slow (defined as being in the 5th percentile of the “flow of traffic”). Not paying attention is the next largest group. Research the traffic laws in your area, fight your tickets and don’t get a lawyer unless you are going to plea bargain.
guys were getting waaaaaaay the hell of the subject here, stop talking about ur friends dying in car crashes, stop talking about the left lane, AND STOP PUTTING REALLY LONG ENTREES WITH TOO MANY BIG FUCKING NUMBERS!!!
thanks guys its cool to know that if one day i have my ferrari i fnow i could get away with doing 300km\h! but you all should realise that people will always speed no matter what, so the only thing you can do i be alert all the time, and if a speeping Merc comes up behind you in the fast lane just get out of way…carefully.