Extending the Range of Your Car Key with Water or Your Head Professor Roger Bowley unlocks his car from various distances, using waves from his key, brain and a big bottle of water. Facebook Prev Article Next Article Videos Checkout these cool gadgets... Related Posts Breathtaking Gigantic OLED Globe 1 Million Frames Per Second Showing Bullet Impacts The Future Might Look Strange with Virtual Reality Someone Strapped a Camera to The Back of an Eagle Col John Stapp Was a Real Test Dummy Using Virtual Reality to Buy Multimillion Dollar Real Estate One Response pi2r2 February 24, 2016 Nice demonstration, thank you, Professor, but you’re stuck in the dark ages with the explanation why, propagating pernicious misunderstanding of electrical length versus wavelength, conduction, antenna effects and reflectivity.
Nice demonstration, thank you, Professor, but you’re stuck in the dark ages with the explanation why, propagating pernicious misunderstanding of electrical length versus wavelength, conduction, antenna effects and reflectivity.