I don’t know what is the proper name for this software but from what I understand is that its an application that comes with Windows Vista. It seems like it is inspired by the “Multitouch Screen” but not as good. I am sure everyone can find a use for this type of application. It recognizes your hand gestures via your pc’s webcam and translates them into commands. The person you see working on it is Andy Wilson who works for Microsoft Research. VIDEO->
i was watching this vid and on the right a link to the endorphin dinamyic behaviour engine popped up… i just wanted to say that they’ve released endorphin 2.5 and it’s even more amzing so if you manage to find the vid you should post it here
I see what you mean,The Video Works Now – Click Here
while we’re on the topic of 3d engines.. you should also check out Lucasarts new one called Euphoria.. its all in-game stuff. its amazing. objects all have real world properties and the characters are aware of themselves so they try anything to survive (they have a skeleton, central nervous system, sense of balance, etc…) they literally break bones and avoid shit.. its nuts.. teres a bunch of videos around about the new engine.. i cant wait for new games to come out that use the euphoria engine.. GO LUCASARTS!
Thanks for the info, i will take a look at it. It sounds interesting.