Here is brain scratcher for me, I have no idea how this works and if it is even possible. Its made by an MIT student so I do not imagine he tried to be some kind of impostor. The light bulb is levitating between two magnets and seems to be powered wirelessly. Is this possible? Some please educate me. VIDEO->
yes this is possible. I do not know how he is making the light levitate but i do know Nicholas Tesla had a working model for wireless energy (and that its being considered to charge electronics of the future). Although looking at the diagram at 42 seconds i see that the light has magnets inside it. (whiich explains how it stays floating). I’m guessing the laser range finder is to provide some means of increasing the electromagnets power to draw the light closer or away so it stays at a constant distance
I think I see what you are talking about. Just recently I made a post about Nikola Tesla’s life and in the documentary his wireless technology was stated.
Thanks for reminding me. I guess it makes this trick even more interesting now.
YEs , Nikola Tesla Did this wireless power transmitions!
Just read the Nikola Tesla Wiki for more info.