Optimus Organic LED Keyboard


It may look like every other keyboard but this baby can actually become every keyboard on the planet.  With its LED keys it can display any type of signs on the organic light-emitting diodes (OLED).  Making you go from conventional keyboard to Doom 3 directional button signs.

The old W,S,A and D keys can be replaced by the real arrow signs for your favorite
games and incase you need to type in Hieroglyphs all of sudden now you CAN !


It’s makers from a Moscow-based studio called Art.Lebedev are really thinking future with this one.  It can literally mean the end of the old kits for different games and languages.

It is announced to be out on Feb 1st 2006 and it might be priced around $ 350 USD.
Lord ! What a beauty !

Via Newlaunches

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