Rekindle Candlestick Collects Melted Wax and Turns It Into Another Reusable Candle

The Rekindle Candlestick can light your home over and over again.


This smart regenerative candle holder was invented by Benjamin Shine. It collects the was as it burns so you can turn it into a brand new candle. All you need to do is add a fresh wick.

While the quantity of wax reduces slightly with each cycle, a typical candle can be reused at least 12-times after the first burn.

The Rekindle Candlestick


“Benjamin’s invention is not only a brilliant and practical design idea, but it’s also useful in emergency situations where winter storms or severe weather have knocked out power. The innovative ReKindle Candle Holder is available in stainless steel, anodized aluminum or porcelain, so it’s suitable for a wide range of applications,” reports Inhabitat


Via TechEBlog 

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