SCiO is World’s First Pocket-Sized Spectrometer That Can Tell You the Molecular Makeup of Just About Anything

What if we told you that there’s a pocket-size gadget you can use to analyze just about anything around you? You would probably think we took this one straight from Star Trek technology, right?


No, SCiO exists and it is a real-life, fully working miniature spectrometer. It can quickly give you the molecular fingerprint of your surrounding – from the alcoholic content in your drink to the amount of sugar in a mango.

How does it work? Basically, SCiO measures the light reflected off any given object. It breaks down its spectrum, and then sends that information to the cloud. Next, the Consumer Physics’ unique algorithms immediately interpret the resulting data and the results show up on the free companion app in 5-seconds or less (data connection required).



Expect to pay $249 for the device when it hits stores.



“In addition to non-invasively harvesting, computing and storing the data about every bit of matter recorded to contribute to the first database of its kind, the SCiO would allow consumers to be more informed about the energetic quantity and quality of everything they consume. This will make it difficult, for example, for big agricultural companies to pass off unhealthy lettuce at the grocery story. By illuminating that lettuce and breaking down its spectrum, the SCiO is able to extract a great deal of information. In other words, light, combined with cutting-edge technology, may expose everything from nefarious ingredients woven into our food, environment and medicine to the calorie content of our favorite chocolate, which we might not want to know,” according to Inhabitat.


Via TechEBlog

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