You can’t believe how many times I have complained that I didn’t have the right chair. Sitting long hours in front of the desk is not healthy, we all know that. We just complain and suffer, that’s pretty much all that we can do. And sometimes we get clever enough to think about buying a special chair or an exercise ball to sit on. But that’s where it stops, we run out of solutions, our evolution has brought us to this point were we will suffer forever by sitting at a desk for long hours while our bodies haven’t evolved fast enough for such modern ways. The life of the modern man is behind the desk. It all seemed like we would all suffer until StandDesk came along. The desk that evolved with our modern ways. It’s a normal desk except that it allows you to get off the chair and stand. Finally a smart solution to our evolution. Just press a button, stand up and work you modern man! It’s worth every penny and they need your support on KickStarter, or should I say, we need their support, our backs need their support. Let’s support them so that they can support our backs.