I love conspiracies and this is one of them that I really like. The first video tells us that apparently there are no satellite images of North and South poles and that the US Gov has something to do with that. The second video is the documentary. VIDEO->A Hollow Earth theory posits that the planet Earth has a hollow interior and, possibly, a habitable inner surface. People have never drilled into the Earth deeper than 15 miles, and thus direct knowledge of the Earth’s structure extends only that far. However, the hypothesis of a Hollow Earth has long been contradicted by overwhelming evidence as well as by modern understanding of planet formation, and the scientific community now dismisses the notion as pseudoscience.
Via Neatorama
Introduction hollow earth.
The video bellow is a collection of hollow earth conspiracy images.
Here’s a satellite image of the North Pole:
Excellent Site
I really like the stuff you have put out. I have several books on the North Pole entrance. I also have a copy of what purports to be written by Admiral Byrd who was (apparently) abducted by German speaking people in saucer type aircraft that had “tractor beams” on their aircraft, landed him at their location in Antarctica, he met the one in charge and they put him back in his plane, took him back to a certain point the same way the took him in and released him. He told Congress about this and was ordered to keep quiet about it, so he never talked. However, he wrote a statement about this and put it among his personal belongings which was found after his death.
The key to the physics of hollow earth is a repel force – a gravity that seem to contradict our known paradigm.
What we experience on the surface as pull towards earth is caused by the curvature of space-time around earth plus push from vibrations permeating the heliosphere and generated by the sun. Outside this curvature, the space objects push each other as described by Walter Wright.
The inner sun is generating push gravity frequency towards the mantle. Thus somewhere within the mantle, there is a zone where the direction of gravity changes. The mantle does not collapse because of the push distributed within.
And this inner sun force goes out of the poles and curves around the surface like a toroid. The inter-action of heliosphere push vibration and the inner sun outward flow creates the auroras.
Any opening towards the hollow earth will make a compass behave erratically.
Nonsense. There is no solid evidence to support these claims. Physics would not allow natural mechanics to behave in such a fashion. Give me a power rating of this supposed inner sun and solid theories of how it functions, and how it was all formed. Otherwise go back to school.