Nike Flyknit Technology – Possibly The Best Running Shoe Ever Made ?

I’m one of those guys at the local sports store who is hated by the sales man. When I shop for shoes I feel really bad asking the sales people to get me a different pair to try on every 10 minutes and probably 5 to 8 pairs. Those poor people go back and forth between me and to storage room too many times and I stay there for at least an hour, trying, looking, feeling, testing, jumping, running just to be sure that the running shoe that I am buying is not going to give me any surprises on my run. Most people just go in, try on a pair or two, they like the colors and they are off to run. But I run almost every second day and in the summer it turns into every day. From running a 10km to a short sprint circuit it’s important to have the proper shoes that respond to movements accurately. And this Nike Flyknit technology has got my attention. It seems that they have captured what a running shoe is supposed to be, flexible, stable, breathable and light, among other factors. I cannot wait to try them on.

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