I personally had a strange “phenomenon” happen to me while I was asleep a few years back or rather TWO strange phenomenons. One was after my dad’s death in 2007, in the middle of the night after falling asleep I found myself awake laying on my stomach and felt a presence in the room, behind me was a sort of a light/energy which was making a noise but I couldn’t move. I was just aware that it was there and felt it slowly approach me, cover me, it felt slightly warm and it felt like it wanted me to fall back asleep. That’s all I remember, just being wide awake and unable to move but during that process I thought of my father and I imagined that it was somehow him, so I had no fear. A rather strange experience which I now know that science calls it “sleep paralysis“. Then a few years after that an even stranger experience happened. I had an injured thumb from playing soccer and that thumb had a small bone sticking out at the joint, kind of like a inflated gland that was hard and it was already there for 12 months more or less. I assumed it was permanent. One night, I had a dream where I encountered a man who was behind a bar-like shank, he was standing in front of the shank and told me to approach, behind him was a background of stars. He kind of smiled, told me briefly that he wasn’t from here and asked me to give him my right hand. Which I did and that is where the dream ended. I woke up touching my right arm and to my astonishment I realized that the injured thumb was healed. Now, I know it all may have a scientific explanation and the dream might have been just a subconscious interpretation of my brain interpreting my body healing the injury on its own. But the story is true and to this day I have no real concrete explanation. If you have a story like mine, feel free to share it with me.