These guys are my heroes! But a little dumb, I mean its obvious that the police would pull you over for blocking the traffic. Made by some artist this car was probably inspired by the Flinstones. VIDEO->
These guys are my heroes! But a little dumb, I mean its obvious that the police would pull you over for blocking the traffic. Made by some artist this car was probably inspired by the Flinstones. VIDEO->
I don’t really see what the big deal is. There were no violations of any laws. That is NOT an automobile. There should be nothing illegal about a four-seating “quad”-cycle, so long as they aren’t on an interstate, highway, or the sidewalk. I really hope that they didn’t get a ticket for this.
Apparently safety issues…
i’ll tell you what the big deal is, cops see something not normal that they can hassle someone about they’re gonna jump on it, i see it all the time. they’re A-holes like that