This is a rather unusual and interesting way to make a perpetual rotation device. I’m intrigued as to why the tilt of the discs rotates the ball continuously.
This is a rather unusual and interesting way to make a perpetual rotation device. I’m intrigued as to why the tilt of the discs rotates the ball continuously.
It is an interesting approach. What happens when friction is applied to one of the disks in order to turn into something useful like a drive of some sort. Do they have to make the ball and disks huge in order for it to have an effect on a small drive system? Just wondering!
I have a feeling that any additional friction would just stop this device…
you should be able to rotate a magnet within a coil to produce frictenless generator… so magnet at the end of the ball spinning with in a coil…
I was thinking something along the same lines. I’m sure there’s a reason why it won’t work, or we’d already be building this on a huge scale, right? Just curious as to what that reason is.
Would a cone do the same thing? If so, it could easily be made heavier giving it more of a flywheel ablility and also to overcome resistance induced by “pulling off” some of the rotational energy as an electric current.