Ed Dames is a remote viewer who claims that he has worked for the U.S Army Intelligence hence his title of “Major Ed Dames”. What he has seen is not very optimistic for our future. Needless to remind ourselves that some of his predictions were not accurate.
What do I think of this? Well let’s assume that the worst happens and that a solar flare wipes out our electrical grid, I am willing to bet more on the human kind and our ingenuity. After all people have lived before without electricity. Now what if the sun burns our entire atmosphere? Well, don’t be afraid, nobody will live forever with or without the sun burning us, it’s just that it could be alot sooner than planned. Just to be realistic, while you are watching this remember that this man is selling books and teaching classes for profit about his “viewing powers”. So let’s be real and remember that predicting or seeing the future is not possible but imagination and guessing games are.
Does it coincide with the NASA warning few months back? Be real…be real…