Jacque Fresco – Resource Based Economy

In this era of change and questioning about our economy and systems implemented in our society we can rely on Jacques Fresco and his innovative resource based economy system to at least give us ideas and solutions to our current systems which are failing us. If in this day in age you are still convinced that our society can continue to depend on systems such as “capitalism” or any other system in place right now, you should watch a documentary called “The End of Poverty“. After that you will be fit to listen to Jacques Fresco.
Jacque Fresco is a self-educated structural designer, philosopher of science, concept artist, educator, and futurist. He is considered by many to be a modern-day Da Vinci. Peer to Einstein and Buckminster Fuller, Jacque is a self-taught futurist who describes himself most often as a “generalist” or multi-disciplinarian — a student of many inter-related fields.

He is a prolific inventor, having spent his entire life (he is now 95 years old) conceiving of and devising inventions on various scales which entail the use of innovative technology. As a futurist, Jacque is not only a conceptualist and a theoretician, he is also an engineer and a designer.

His organization, The Venus Project works to provide a global vision of hope for the future of humankind in our technological age. The Venus Project reflects the culmination of Jacque’s life work: the integration of the best of science and technology into a comprehensive plan for a new society based on human and environmental concern. It is a global vision of hope for the future of humankind in our technological age.

A major documentary entitled, Future By Design, on the life, designs, and philosophy of Jacque Fresco is now available at http://www.fbdthemovie.com. The film Zeitgeist Addendum featuring Mr. Fresco and The Venus Project produced by Peter Joseph was released in 2008. A sequel to this documentary Zeitgeist Moving Forward was released in 2011 featuring Mr. Fresco, his work, and direction for the future.

To conclude, an interesting excerpt from Star Trek about futuristic economy.

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