Quake 3 on 24 monitors The guys at Plastk made a Quake 3 game setup with 24 monitors. Click on more for the video. Facebook Prev Article Next Article Games, Videos Checkout these cool gadgets... Related Posts SixAxis PC Controller Liquid Nitrogen In a Swimming Pool Underwater Gunshot Makes A Cool Effect U.S Army to Deploy 'FORCE FIELD' in Iraq Anonymous Has Spoken on the Issue of Syria – We Listen When the Virtuix Omni VR Treadmill Meets Grand Theft Auto V 2 Comments serrykon April 7, 2006 they should invest in an lcd projector. your quality is lost from the sides of the monitors. another case of a bunch of ppl with too much money. HIGH T3CH January 27, 2014 Thanks Dave
they should invest in an lcd projector. your quality is lost from the sides of the monitors. another case of a bunch of ppl with too much money.
Thanks Dave