About 70% of Earth’s surface is covered with ocean. 95% of it has not yet been explored. With this futuristic city floating around, this might just change in the near future.
The colossal manta ray-inspired city design was created by the French artist Jacques Rougerie. It is approximately 3,000-feet by 1,600-feet large and potentially able to house 7,000 researchers, professors, and students, complete with laboratories, classrooms, living quarters, as well as lots of space for leisure activities.
“The city would be completely self-sustaining, as well, running on marine energy and producing no waste whatsoever. If the idea of a structure dedicated to understanding and caring for the oceanic environment isn’t enough, the fact that it is designed to have low to no impact on said environment is even more exciting,” according to Inhabitat.
Via TechEBlog