Fluorinex a company form Isreal is claiming that they have invented a way of avoiding cavities for five years. Their invention works by putting some special gel inside a form fitting mouth tray, inserting it into the mouth and zapping the tray with six to nine volts from a battery or wall socket.
It will impose an efficient ion exchange process through an Electro-chemical reaction in which fluor ions displace the Hydroxide ions at the outer layer of the tooth. This is intended to produce a new mineral layer with significantly improved chemical and physical resistance to the aggressive bacteria and the resulting acidic environment in the mouth.
Fluorinex claims the new product will be able to give protection for up to five years and will be administered by a simple procedure at the dental clinic. The new device should be ready for commercial use in a year and a half and is currently undergoing clinical trials after extensive research had been done at the Hebrew University last year.
I must go now and celebrate the no brush no fluss no pain no dentist no worries no bobo future !
Via IsraCast
Yes a no dentist world !!!! 😀
This seems like a dream 😉
Dude, you still have to brush
Maybe not this sounds promising !
what about bad breath??? comon guts think about it….
sure you need to brush for bad breath, but if you fall asleep without brushing a couple times, then its fine! and also, you can eat all the lollipops and cough drops and whatever you want
Actually this sounds different from fluoride treatment, which just kills off the germs in your mouth at the time–this article said something about putting a new mineral layer on teeth. I guess that sounds kind of like sealants on steroids. If it works like they say, then yeah, you wouldn’t have to worry about the cavities for those five years. But you still have to brush–brushing’s actually as much about protecting your gums as it is about preventing cavities. If you don’t brush, your gums can get really soft and infected, and then they recede–in which case, it’s time for dentures. So yeah, this sounds great, but you still need to brush….ugh.
The dental supply companies will pay them a billion dollars and we will never see this product or they will just kill them. One way or another you will never see it.
u know i dont always trust the goverment and there new inventions i bet you there is some side effect to this procedure that the goverment isnt tellin us about just like all there other medicines, why cant they just come clean.
What happened to brushing? I haven’t had a cavity in my life…23 years for a lot less than what they’re probably charging.
i kant wait for this i wounder if its painfuk
i don’t know about you guys but i don’t seem very confident about sticking something in my mouth that sends and electrical discharge (ok it’s only 9 volts) into my teeth… i imagine after that you can’t touch any metal for the next 2 hours without getting shocked.
As for the no brushing no flossing well… your teeth might not need them but like Maxi said… what about bad breath ?? the causes for bad breath aren´t your teeth it’s the germs on your tongue that cause bad breath any of you have a white/yellowish film on your tongue ??? that’s the germs that cause the bad breath and unless they all die electrocuted from this device you still need to scrape or brush them off your tongue.
what happens after the five years? lol 🙂
you die!! LOL
you idiot after 5 years you would just get it again.
Wall socket, I dont think so.
“i don’t know about you guys but i don’t seem very confident about sticking something in my mouth that sends and electrical discharge (ok it’s only 9 volts) into my teeth… i imagine after that you can’t touch any metal for the next 2 hours without getting shocked.”
Read the article. It’s not really shocking your mouth. It works through ions. Getting shocked after touching metal even a second after the procedure would NOT happen.
True, ions are just atoms that have an added electron or missing electron from the different levels of charge. So, as Jim Bob, says; there would not be an electrical shock at all. The shock would rearrange the fluid {somehow, becasue im not reasearching this}to create a different combination of molocules near the debris stuck in your teeth, that hopefully, would cause a chemical reaction to disintegrate the debris in your teeth. The electrical charge would activate this chemical reaction {as ive already stated} in the fluid, and result with your teeth clean! ta da!
The electricity just provides energy to allow the ion exchange reaction to occur. Right now, dentists just stick in a fluoride solution and wait for passive ion exchange.
But, sorry, you’ll still have to brush/floss. Fluoride does nothing to stop gingivitis.
I’m going to the dentist today, the dread has been growing in me all afternoon. Something like this would save me some stress. Dentists would go out of work though so maybe the dental association will prevent its use?
i hate dentists
ok enuf about the bad breathe guys…its called mint gum, welcome to the 21rst century….
MINT GUM ? ? ? !!! . . . . What the hell is that !!!!!!!
….. jk LOL
i had scarlet fever at an age where a consequence of it was fluoride deposits within my teeth, my permanent teeth. this will work wonderfully just has the flouride naturally within my own teeth. i have had no cavity problems for decades already — it is visible as specks in my enamel (a mottling effect) that is all but unnoticeable under my beige sheen of half-caf staining…
$ this ipo?
I think you mean “floss”, not “fluss”. Also, if you do not brush or floss, you will have horrible breath and your teeth will become stained and terrible-looking.
Protection from cavities is still a very good thing and I would certainly recommend this treatment if it is really shown to work.
I think you mean “floss”, not “fluss”. Also, if you do not brush or floss, you will have horrible breath and your teeth will become stained and terrible-looking.
Protection from cavities is still a very good thing and I would certainly recommend this treatment if it is really shown to work.
I think you mean “floss”, not “fluss”. Also, if you do not brush or floss, you will have horrible breath and your teeth will become stained and terrible-looking.
Protection from cavities is still a very good thing and I would certainly recommend this treatment if it is really shown to work.
I think you mean “floss”, not “fluss”. Also, if you do not brush or floss, you will have horrible breath and your teeth will become stained and terrible-looking.
Protection from cavities is still a very good thing and I would certainly recommend this treatment if it is really shown to work.
I think you mean “floss”, not “fluss”. Also, if you do not brush or floss, you will have horrible breath and your teeth will become stained and terrible-looking.
Protection from cavities is still a very good thing and I would certainly recommend this treatment if it is really shown to work.
What about those same bacteria causing inflammation of the gums leading to potential bone loss? There is a reason that if you ask a dental hygienist they will tell you that the best thing you can do for your teeth is floss. It removes the bacteria from the areas that it most easily accumulates and causes gum damage leading to potential tooth loss, regardless of whether the teeth themselves have any cavities.
I suppose they were just looking for the aesthetic solution but I do think that it can also remove that type of bacteria if it is done frequently…
Well, if it only needs 9 volts, you might want to stay away from the wall socket option.